Ever since the new Corona virus spread and it has wreaked havoc on us and our lives. Many have lost their jobs or are about to, and many businesses are having difficult times and are facing bankruptcy. There's no doubt that this pandemic is a disaster! But still in the middle of all that, there's one positive side to it that might help us dramatically after it's over. The virus is making us return to ourselves By staying home, we're forced to stay with ourselves. This is the time to get some solitude and mediate. To meditate, sit for a few minutes (even if it's just 10 minutes) in silence; silence your mind and try not to follow your thoughts, I know that can be very hard, but if you do get distracted by your thoughts, gently bring yourself back to your breathing once you notice your mind has wandered. It takes practice but when you master it, you'll find yourself feeling an unexplained sense of peace, happiness, and connection to yourself (your soul), God himself, and all his creation from the air your breath to all beings that there are on the planet. It's not always easy to reach this point because our minds are not always easy to shut, haha , but if we do cross the chaos of the mind and reach that place of calmness, it's... oh my God!! just heaven! You just feel deeply in love with everyone and everything and every creature and have this deep appreciation for life and all there is! It's just a beautiful feeling :) Of course it'll be a lot easier to reach this point if we're somewhere around nature :) This feeling of connection to ourselves, God, and all there is, makes us realize that we're all one and that we're in this life together so there's no need for any conflict or fights between people, communities, or countries! This connection also teaches us to always prioritize love above all things, and to respect and love animals, trees, plants, and all creatures because they are all part of the creator's beautiful creation; therefore, we are all one with nature and the planet!
In conclusion: By staying home and meditating and thinking about how connected we are to each other, to animals, and to the environment, the pandemic is making us return to ourselves. Feeling connected to God and nature and feeling that we're all one is what gives us peace, calm, and the immunity and the ability to face anything. It's who we really are at the core! Stay home, stay safe, and reconnect back to yourself :)