In 2017, I discovered I was an introvert, a highly sensitive person, and a multi-passionate and multi-talented person; ever since then, I was happy that I finally discovered that I’m normal and that there are other people like me and started to become proud in who I am, of course I still can’t reach 100% since today’s world is totally anti-introverted, anti-highly sensitive, and anti-multi passionate people. Yes, 2017 was a major self-discovery year for me.
1- I hope people would understand and appreciate high sensitivity
In 2020, I hope people understand that introversion and sensitivity are not a flaw that needs to be fixed but rather good traits to be celebrated. Simply because this is how we’re wired and that’s how our brains work.
Dr. Elaine Aron is the psychologist who discovered that this trait is actually hard wired in highly sensitive people (HSPs)’s brains. You can read about her and her work
here .
However, I feel that everyone can be highly sensitive and I certainly do hope everyone would because the world needs more sensitive people especially when it comes to animals who suffer more than us as a result of our greed and wrong doing! That’s why I wrote the main character of my latest story ‘The Return To Paradise’ as a highly sensitive young woman who can speak with animals. A lot of her personality traits are based on my own personality. Later in the story, she teaches everyone how to speak to animals which is basically how to be sensitive to them and life will return to how it used to be in Paradise J This character who I named Irene is facing some challenges of being highly sensitive and introverted If you want to read the story, you can read it
here and I’ll write a separate blog post about it to talk about what was going on in my mind and what I wanted to convey with the story, it would probably be the blog post after this one :)
2- I hope people would understand and appreciate introversion
The late Dr. Carl Jung was the psychologist who discovered introversion and created the basis of the MBTI (Myers Brigs personality Type Indicator) test which is by the way, the most accurate personality test I’ve ever taken. You can take the test
here , here , and also here . Some of the Arabic tests are here , here , and here . The MBTI test measures introversion vs. extroversion, intuition vs. sensing, feeling vs. thinking, and judging vs. perception and at the end, you get a 4-letter personality type like ENFP which stands for Extroverted intuitive Feeling and Perceptive. It pretty much sums up all your psychological existence; it is very accurate, at least it was for me, I’m an INFJ! I recommend that you take at least 3 tests on 3 different websites just to be sure of the result.
Introverts’ ability to socialize runs out quickly. In fact, they can only stand about 2 hours and that’s it! They’d want to retrieve in quite, solitary place to recharge and process. It’s just that our brains take in way much more than an extrovert does. In fact, I would say we take in about 5 times more of what the extrovert takes in from the environment and for that we need our solitary alone time! And one interesting scientific fact that I recently read somewhere (I can’t remember where exactly) says that all people become more introverted as they grow older including extroverts :)
In the end
In the end, my hopes for 2020 is that people would be more understanding and more appreciating of HSPs (highly sensitive people) and introverted people and respect their needs especially in the workplace and the corporate culture because we’ve been really almost persecuted because of our rare but normal and equally good traits!